• Images Patrycja Bujak
  • July 2023
  • Web Applications

Web Applications

Application Development with React - The Power of Interactivity! šŸš€ Hey fellow developers and app enthusiasts! Today I want to talk about one of the most popular and versatile JavaScript frameworks - React! If you are interested in creating dynamic, interactive and scalable web applications, this post is for you. React is an open source platform developed by Facebook that allows you to create user interfaces. Its main features are declarative and component-based architecture. As a result, managing application state, creating interactive user interfaces, and selectively updating only changed parts becomes seamless. Here are some key aspects to consider when developing applications in React: 1. Components: React is based on the concept of components. Each UI element is represented as a component that can have its own state and properties (props). This allows us to create modular, reusable components that can be assembled into more complex structures. 2. Virtual DOM: React uses a virtual representation of the real DOM, known as the virtual DOM. When the state of the application changes, React compares the virtual DOM with the real DOM and only updates those elements that need to be changed. This approach makes applications more efficient and responsive. 3. One-way data flow: React promotes one-way data flow, which means that data is passed down the component hierarchy. Application state is managed in the top-level component, and changes are propagated down to the sub-components. This simplifies status tracking and management. 4. Development tools: React provides numerous development tools that make the application development process easier. For example, Create React App is a CLI tool that allows you to quickly set up a project with pre-configured settings. There are also browser extensions like React Developer Tools to help you debug and analyze your apps. 5. Ecosystem: React has a vast and thriving ecosystem. There are many community-created libraries and tools that extend the capabilities of React. Examples include Redux, GraphQL, React Router, Material-UI, and many more. Using the power of React, you can easily create interactive and responsive apps. So dive in, discover the great possibilities and let React take it to the next level! Happy coding! šŸŒŸ
  • Images Patrycja Bujak
  • March 2023

Digital marketing is a field of marketing that focuses on promoting products, services and brands in the online space. It has replaced traditional forms of marketing, such as placing advertisements on billboards or broadcasting commercials on radio and television. Digital marketing activities include things like online advertising, search engine optimization, email campaigns, managing social media profiles, and creating content in the form of blogs or videos. Yes, there are courses and specializations related to digital marketing, both at universities and vocational schools or online courses. Digital marketing is a set of activities related to brand promotion on the Internet and other digital media. The goal of digital marketing is to spread your brand message through digital media content and engage potential and existing customers. This is not only advertising, but also communication with customers. The internet plays a significant role in digital marketing as statistics show that 78% of consumers spend more time checking and evaluating a brand or product online than in a brick-and-mortar store. The goal of digital marketing is to reach the customer with a specific message that will encourage them to buy a product or use the services of a specific brand or company. Advanced technologies and artificial intelligence act as the driving force behind digital marketing. The success of digital marketing lies in its ability to monitor the results of the campaign and optimize its activities. Digital marketing uses a variety of channels to communicate with potential customers, including SEO, SEM, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and affiliate marketing. Choosing the best strategy depends on the nature of the business, target audience and budget. Do you need specialized studies to become a digital marketer? Not necessarily. Although employers appreciate people with education in such fields as marketing, PR or management, there are also courses that allow you to prepare for work in digital marketing. You can find both paid courses that lead to a certificate and free courses offered by government institutions. If you are looking for a job as a digital marketer, pay attention to various positions, such as an Internet marketing specialist, a digital marketer. As a digital marketer, your responsibilities may include managing SEM and SEO areas, monitoring and analyzing Google Ads campaigns, managing company profiles in the media social networks and cooperation with other departments of the company in the implementation of the strategy of acquiring traffic. In addition, you will be responsible for searching for new sources of customer acquisition, preparing guidelines for copywriters, monitoring competition and market activities, achieving the company's business goals, initiating new activities and sharing ideas.
  • Images Patrycja Bujak
  • February 2023
  • Video Production

Video Production

Video production refers to the process of creating video content that can be stored in various formats such as analog signals on videotape, digitally on videotape, or as computer files stored on various devices such as optical discs, hard drives, SSDs, tape magnetic card or memory card . It is similar to filmmaking, but using video technology instead of traditional footage. The process involves three main steps: pre-production, production and post-production. During pre-production, all planning aspects of the video production process are considered before filming begins. This includes script writing, planning, logistics, and other administrative duties. Production is the stage where video content is captured or recorded, involving the filming of the subject(s) of the video. Post-production is the final stage where video clips are selectively combined through video editing into a finished product that tells a story or conveys a message in a live or post-event setting. Today, electronic media such as SD cards for consumer cameras or solid-state memories and flash drives for professional cameras are the most common forms of capturing video content. Video content is also distributed digitally over the Internet, appearing in popular formats such as MPEG, QuickTime, AVI, Windows Media Video, and DivX. There are different types of video production, such as film and TV production, television commercials, online advertising, corporate videos, product videos, customer testimonial videos, marketing videos, event videos, and wedding videos. The term "video production" is specifically reserved for content creation that goes through all phases of production and is created with a specific audience in mind. Personal videos recorded with a smartphone or video camera, such as filming a concert or children's band recital for memory purposes, fall under the "home video" category, not video production.
  • Images Patrycja Bujak
  • January 2023
  • Branding


Branding is a marketing strategy aimed at building brand awareness by creating and consolidating a positive image of a particular brand. The narrower meaning of the word limits branding to the process of creating a product, brand or service, as well as activities introducing it to the market. Examples of branding activities include creating a company name, logo, and marketing activities. Building a brand is a costly and time-consuming process that requires careful consideration of the brand's mission, distinguishing itself from the competition and communicating this information in a way that is understandable to the client. The key element for the brand is the consistency of the name, logo and slogan, which should be remembered by customers. All these elements are aimed at building the image and brand awareness, as well as meeting the needs of consumers. Personal branding is the process of building the image and reputation of an individual, covering both personal and professional aspects. A personal brand can be created through social media activity, forum posts and a personal website. An example of successful personal branding is Kylie Jenner, who built a strong personal brand through her social media activity and lucrative business in the beauty industry. Jenner uses her personal life and personal brand to promote her products while staying authentic and sharing her experiences with her fans. Product branding is about giving a specific product a personality or identity through branding elements such as logos, colors, packaging, brand voice and design. The aim is to distinguish the brand on the market and make it the preferred choice of consumers. Examples of effective product branding include powerful brands such as Apple, Google, Disney and Starbucks. Seeing their names, we immediately recall their logos, products and experiences related to them. Another excellent product branding strategy is that of Oatly, a Swedish company that produces plant-based alternatives to cow's milk. Oatly communicates in a light, playful way and uses hand-drawn typography in its branding. Expresses concern for sustainable development. All this perfectly reflects the essence of the brand and effectively engages the target market. The company has created a new trend in the alternative milk market. Oatly broke the patterns previously copied by competing companies - instead of imitating the branding associated with traditional dairy products, Oatly went its own way and, using humour, honesty and kindness, brought the brand message to the fore. The key to its success is focusing on the needs of customers and ecology, as well as the ability to stand out on the market. The unique visuals and witty dialogue are easily recognizable on billboards, Instagram and even in advertisements for the most important sporting event in the USA, the Super Bowl. Over time, the company expanded its product line to include ice cream and bread spreads. Because the brand is consistent, reliable and trustworthy, customers keep coming back to it. Territorial or local branding is the process of promoting specific cities, countries, regions, etc. in order to attract tourists and new residents. This type of marketing is especially popular in the hospitality and tourism industries, but it can be used in other areas as well. An example of this type of branding are T-shirts and mugs with the slogan "Iā¤ļø NY" or the phrase "Masuria - a miracle of nature", which encourage tourists to visit a specific place, stimulate local business and create lasting memories. Cultural branding focuses on building associations between characteristic places and the lifestyle of their inhabitants. For example, when we hear about the Eiffel Tower, we immediately think of Paris, and images of baguettes, wine, and cheese come to mind. This is the power of cultural branding.
  • Images Patrycja Bujak
  • December 2022
  • UX design

UX design

UX is the process of designing the interaction between the user and the product in order to ensure positive experiences and satisfaction from use. User experience refers to emotions, reactions and perceptions related to the use of a product. The term is most often used in the context of digital products such as websites, mobile and desktop applications, but also applies to the design of physical products and services. The product development process consists in using the ideas and observations of end users, verifying the concept and functionality of the product, iterating in the design of the solution and assessing its usability. The product must meet the needs of end users, solve their specific problem and be understandable. To achieve this, direct interaction with users is necessary. Product developers are fallible, they don't know all the answers, and they can't anticipate different scenarios. The cooperation of the whole team, prototyping and user research, i.e. user experience design, can help in this. Designing in accordance with this process means taking care of product quality. This leads to greater user satisfaction, which affects their loyalty and product recommendation. In addition, the product generates fewer user errors, requires lower support costs, achieves business goals more effectively, and gives creators satisfaction, because everyone likes to do their job well. A person working in the UX area has quite a wide range of responsibilities that depend on the company and the project he is working on. Usually specializations can be distinguished, such as UX designers and researchers, but there are also people who combine these competencies. There is a bit of confusion in the market with job titles, so it is important to read the job description carefully and ask about it during the interview. Standard UX tasks include designing interactions and mockups as well as researching and testing solutions with users. The UX specialist often collects requirements, works closely with the business and can influence the product strategy, but he can also simply implement the strategy developed by other team members. The UX designer usually creates a gray sketch of the final design, which is the final design, and it is not necessary to complete an ASP degree for this. It is also important that the UX designer works closely with the graphic designers and programmers who implement his project. Sometimes a graphic designer performs tasks in the UX area, and there are job offers for UX/UI designers on the market, but usually in this situation more emphasis is placed on interface design than on product concept work. The person in the role of the Product Owner is responsible for product development, setting and achieving business goals, as well as making decisions regarding the functional scope, priorities and direction of development. This is a role that goes beyond that of a project manager who mainly focuses on monitoring the schedule. Although the competences of the UX designer and the Product Owner have some elements in common, the PO focuses on the business aspects of the product, while the UX designer is mainly responsible for translating business goals into interaction functionalities.
  • Images Patrycja Bujak
  • November 2022
  • Web programming

Web programming

In 1991, there was only one website, which is still kept in the archives of the prestigious Swiss research center CERN. The website contained instructional text and hyperlinks with information about the World Wide Web and how to use it. Isn't that impressive? By the end of 1992, there were already 10 websites on the Internet, and after CERN released W3 technology to the public without licensing fees in 1993, the Internet began to gradually grow to the gigantic size it has today. By 1994, there were nearly 3,000 websites, including the nascent Yahoo!, which began its online life as a website directory. Before Google burst onto the scene, there were already over two million websites. More or less from the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, these were dynamic websites, updating content, full of bells and buttons. Since then, the Internet has developed quite rapidly, but it was only at the end of 2012 that its popularity skyrocketed. Another jump was recorded in 2017, when the number of websites almost doubled. Currently, there are about 2 billion websites, although only 15-20% of them are active. By the time you read this text, there are about a thousand new websites appearing in the world. We are currently living in an era that some call the era of personalization, closely related to artificial intelligence. You can see this when, after reading this text, advertisements targeting web developers appear on your Internet. For educational purposes, there are two basic areas of web development. Front End is everything that the Internet user sees, hears and can touch with the cursor. Frontend Web Developer fights, among other things, to make the website look the same in every search engine. The basic working tools are the so-called The Holy Trinity, i.e. HTML (responsible for the structure of the website), CSS (appearance) and JavaScript (its functioning). This area can also include web design, which is called web design. The back end is what the website user does not see. In the Back End, we combine various website components: Front End, servers and databases. To work in the Back End, we use tools such as Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, C+. E-commerce is electronic commerce that takes place via the Internet. Customers have access to online stores where they can view and place orders for products or services through their devices. During the ordering process, the Customer's web browser communicates with the server that supports the online store website. There are several types of e-commerce: B2B (business-to-business) - electronic exchange of products, services or information between businesses, rather than between businesses and consumers; B2C (business-to-consumer) - the retail part of electronic commerce on the Internet, where enterprises sell products, services or information directly to consumers; C2C (consumer-to-consumer) ā€“ a type of electronic commerce where consumers exchange products, services and information with each other online, usually via an online platform; C2B (consumer-to-business) ā€“ A type of e-commerce where consumers provide their products and services online for businesses to bid on and buy, which is the opposite of the traditional B2C model.